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Climate Change - Adaptation (Policy Marker)
Relates to an investment that maintains or increases resilience of human or natural systems to climate change by building capacity to adapt to, or absorb, climate change stresses and shocks (including climate variability and disasters). This includes activities intended to reduce exposure to climate change or minimise potential impacts.
Climate Change - Mitigation (Policy Marker)
Relates to an investment that limits or reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere or enhances GHG capture. This includes efforts to limit emission sources (e.g. through limiting the burning of fossil fuels and increasing uptake of renewable energy) and activities to remove emissions from the atmosphere through natural processes of greenhouse gas capture (e.g. rehabilitating forests) or technical solutions (e.g. direct air capture).
Climate Finance
Financial assistance provided to developing countries in support of climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Collaboration Type
The type of collaboration involved in the investment disbursements, e.g. “bilateral” or “multilateral”. For the purposes of collaboration type, “multilateral” is based on two criteria: the multilateral character of the recipient institution and the multilateral character of the contribution. Both criteria must be satisfied for the multilateral collaboration type to be assigned.
Combat Desertification (Policy Marker)
Relates to an investment that aims to combat desertification or mitigate the effects of drought in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas through prevention and/or reduction of land degradation, rehabilitation of partly degraded land, or reclamation of desertified land.
Short for Civil Society Organisation.
All amounts are presented in Australian dollars.